* http The foundation of all alkaline diets is to of course alkalize the body by consuming alkalizing foods! I personally have found that green juice is the best way to alkalize your body and feed your cells with fructose… ONLY the type of fructose that one would find in the form of whole, juiced or blended tree-ripened fruits. The extracted & processed form of fructose that you might see listed in processed foods is NOT a healthy choice. Don’t be afraid to ask the produce manager at the store to sample the fruits before buying them, so you can make sure they are good. They will gladly allow you to do this… especially if you are nice! 😉 Prioritize on being able to afford high quality food for yourself, as you are worth it! It is much better to spend money on building healthy, functioning cells for your own body, instead of later having to pay even more in doctors and hospital bills! You will be removing obstructions that potentially had been clogging up your thyroid gland, adrenals, thymus gland, and your heart… which all could have experienced some calcification with hydrogenated oils, starchy carbohydrates, spices & food additives which are really just acidic chemicals! These chemicals might stimulate in ways that temporarily feel good to your taste buds & your energy level, but they also create scarring inside the body’s tissues… which then leads to inflammation… & then potentially to what is known as a ‘disease.’ In the raw food …
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