Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery

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3 responses to “Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery”

  1. Beth "bibliophile" Avatar
    Beth “bibliophile”
    42 of 48 people found the following review helpful
    1.0 out of 5 stars
    Blah, blah, blah, June 22, 2005
    Beth “bibliophile” (Northwestern PA) –

    This review is from: Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery (Hardcover)

    I’m sorry to be rude, but did anyone else want to trip this woman as she headed down a flight of stairs? I knew before I opened this book that it was not the best weight loss surgery book to read. But I reviewed several different books and decided that I wanted to read the good with the bad. This book wasn’t just bad, it was arrogant and hypocritical. I think only once does she mention feeling sorry for other heavy people. The rest of the time, she’s telling me about how she fit into a paper thong at the spa or felt like such a “badass” because she bought some leather chaps to ride on her husband’s Harley. She all-too-often sings the praises of life after gastric bypass, but she also forgets to mention that her charmed life is due to the fact that her husband is a real estate salesman whose clients are able to afford million dollar dwellings while she’s throwing up in the bushes outside. I’m only halfway through this swill and if she tells me how gorgeous, beautiful, or perfect she is one more time…I’m throwing it right into the garbage with the rest of the trash.

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  2. Marianne S. Avatar
    Marianne S.
    27 of 31 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    buy it only for the recipes, and the recipes only, June 23, 2005
    Marianne S. (Allentown, Penna.) –

    This review is from: Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery (Hardcover)

    Written in a breezy, chatty style, the narrative part of this book is only a prelude to the recipes, which are great. The narrative is 1/2 of the book, and is basically a travelogue description of the expensive restaurants she has eaten at since WLS(you can tell she’s rich)and how she coped at them. She does has some unbelievable dessert recipes, all high protein and/or low carb. It should have really been marketed as a cookbook, because for WLS surgery info, its a zero.

    If you need post WLS recipes–its a really great book. For pre and post-op WLS info, the very best choice is Weight Loss Surgery: Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You by Barbara Thompson. That book is what I credit as the one thing that made the decision for myself as whether or not to have WLS.

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  3. J. Hamilton Avatar
    J. Hamilton
    26 of 30 people found the following review helpful
    1.0 out of 5 stars
    This is not the book you want, March 17, 2005
    J. Hamilton

    This review is from: Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery (Hardcover)

    This had to be the worst book I’ve read on Gastric Bypass. I should have read the other reviews before I purchased this one. I could not relate to the author and her jaunts to her new condo in Daytona and all the name dropping. Do we really care where she ate at? If you are looking for an informative book that will give you insight on the pros and cons of Gastric Bypass surgery this is not it.

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