Best Diets for Healthy Eating AND Food as Medicine for Cold and Flu

When we try to avoid the common cold by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and we exercise to maintain a healthy weight AND we wash our hands as best as possible, you would think this nasty little virus wouldn?t get near us! Well it still happens. Everyone has their favorite cold remedy, but how about homemade chicken, hot and sour or vegetable soup? I love eating fresh oranges, grapefruits and pomegranates when I have the sniffles. Foods with a high water content are key when we are feeling under the weather. Our bodies need that extra boost of fluid to push out the virus. For adults a little whiskey in hot tea with honey and Meyer lemon hits the spot at night too! What is your go-to remedy? US News published its first-ever ranking of Best Diets for Healthy Eating. The top 5 healthiest diets, ranked by a panel of experts who considered each one?s safety and nutritional completeness 1. DASH Diet 2. TLC Diet 3. Mediterranean Diet 4. Mayo Clinic Diet* 4. Volumetrics Diet* The complete list of 20 diets is available here: 2012 Best Diets rankings here:





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