Hi guys, had a little wake up call today regarding food and namely eating too much, let me know what you think once you watch the video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Hi guys, had a little wake up call today regarding food and namely eating too much, let me know what you think once you watch the video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
you look great!! i have too, been doing many changes in my food patterns for the past 2 years. i eat some cooked food but maybe 70% raw and really getting into herbs and superfoods. mental clarity and energy is amazing!! just always eat healthy organic and you will do well!
Fast for some time now but kept putting it off. I am almost 27 years old, 5’3″ and just under 200lbs. Heaviest I have ever been! I was active duty in the US Army from 2003 to 2008 and I have unfortunately let myself go since my fit days as a soldier. I don’t have the equipment or means to do a youtube video each day, however, I will try to get to it. Thank you again tim for all of your videos, insight, and motivation!!!
Hi tim! I have watched all your videos from day one of your juice fast up until this one. I am pleased to say that after some careful extensive planning, tomorrow is day one of my 30 day juice fast! I have done a few in the past with the longest duration of two weeks. If I am still feeling ok and motivated, I may continue to 60 days. Was mainly stopping by to say hang in there on your transition back to solid foods and to say thank you! I have been batting around the idea of doing another juice
soooooooo…. what are the best foods????? —
@sergei5 Was that including the time to type a comment? and I have lost about the same time in responding to you so lets call it even!
3 min of my life wasted!
@wahopin Great to hear, and yes there is usually no “one thing fits all”. If it is working for you great 🙂
Ah, pan a little slower pls. the fast sweeps causes vertigo and nausea!!
Hey, stay the course…you’re in a idyllic place and it’s easy to be tempted with the new dishes placed before you. It is a commitment, not to some ideal, but for your life and how you want to feel years down the road. You can do this….in fact, you already have shown that you can commit…..just do it one day at a time and success is yours in more than one way. I’ve been vegan for about a year now. I love it!
After fasting for 20 days and losing 20#, I know what works for me and what doesn’t work. I had about 15 diet books and I donated all of them to Good Will. I eat more veges and fruit now, much less beef. I do eat chicken, turkey and fish occasionally. I think we all have to find what works for us. We are all different and what works for me, may not work for everyone. I’ll never buy another diet book, I do know that.
Thanks for that I am fine though have not over indulged since and feeling great overall. I am mindful with each meal though and will continue to focus on how I am feeling and to stop when I am full, etc
Will check out your channel on my return to Australia in a few days. Yes some people seem to associate vegans with hippies but of course that is not necessarily the case! I certain want to spread the word more about it!
Appreciate your comments. It’s really a matter of being mindful isn’t it? I love being in control overall and have to say a juice fast a few times a week sounds like it is working for you. Well done!! This was the first time since going off the juice fast that I felt I overate.
Thanks for dropping by and well done 13 lbs is fantastic! Keep it up!!
Thanks for your support! Yes I agree with what my body wants! It has no interest in junky foods and loves all kinds of fruit and vegetables. I am loving the new me I have to say!!
Very true I did not eat badly yesterday after doing this video and today is good so far! Appreciate your support!
Thanks for dropping by and for your support. As mentioned it will be working again for you soon enough. Keep up the good work!
Some great info here. Thanks for sharing. Day 12 13 lbs
Tim, I admire you for staying so nicely on track while being on vacation. That’s quite an accomplishment!! Good to have the information that your body can’t (and probably doesn’t really want to) accommodate the same kind and amount of food–so look at today as a necessary learning experience. You’re doing great!
@WayneTillis Wayne, your too-much button will be in working order really soon, I promise! It’s one of the great benefits of the juicing. 🙂
So you ate too much-well today is another day, and stick with the fruit. Enjoy your best or the fruits you love, and fill up on them, and then you may not be hungry, so a bite or two of cooked foods once in a while surely isn’t great, but don’t sweat it if you only have a bite or two, but get back on fruits, and eat as many as you want-you won’t get fat!!! Check out durianrider on you tube-he explains it all. Mind ya you probably know that. 🙂 take care and keep up the good work!!
Hey Tim, it is good that you were able to know that you had too much. The too much button is what is broken in me. It appears you now know how much is too much. Use the new experience, and watch out for it. I know it is not a matter of “will power” you have proven yourself in that area. It is just a matter of being vigilant and on gaurd. You will continue to progress! You continue to set the mark high!
Love the view of Phuket. I hear you about the eating too much part. I have to stop when I start not really being interested in what I’m eating. Once I lose interest, it’s pretty easy to put that fork down. Fasting two day per week helps to remind me that this is a journey. It’s seems to keep me on the right path. Take care and thanks for the video.
Hey Tim
I have been banging on for a few years about a raw food vegan lifestyle, when you take a stand on the more ethical side of a plant based diet, you will be surprised how many haters there are out there.
Just posted a protein rich vegan breakfast on my channel mate, might be a bit hard core for newbies but it will put hairs on yer chest for sure 😉
Stay on track there Tim and if need be go back on the juice for a couple of days,Im sure you will keep focused as youve come this far ( unlike myself ) ..This really is the hard part from now on Stay Strong………..
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