www.EcoVeganGal.com Whitney talks about not getting enough sleep and how to overcome it on a busy day, then she makes some recipes from Crazy Sexy Diet and Thrive Foods
www.EcoVeganGal.com Whitney talks about not getting enough sleep and how to overcome it on a busy day, then she makes some recipes from Crazy Sexy Diet and Thrive Foods
hi, Whitney
I was going to start my cleanse on january 1st, but i had some broken heart issues, and these days have been so sad, and i’ve been eating a lot of junk.
But i’m starting tomorrow!! i’m seeing it as a new beginning, and i hope that makes me feel better.
Thanks for all the videos and tips. I’ll let you know how is it going. 🙂
Can you find all the ingredients needed for Kris Carr’s diet at the Rainbow grocery? I am having a hard time finding all the ingredients. I live in the Bay.
Whitney, what time of day to you usually use your neti pot? Morning, Evening? Does it matter?
I would think you need to add xanthum gum if you are trying to make gluten free pancakes in the future. Thanks for the inspiration this week, makes me feel like I’m not doing this cleanse all on my own!
Hi Whitney, first of all I love your videos. I have been vegan for over a year and began this lifestyle when my mom passed away from pancreatic cancer. Currently enrolled in a Ph.D program in genetics, I really wanted to find answers as to why this disease was caused and ended up reading a lot about the effects of nutrition on health. I think the idea of a cleanse is amazing, however I feel that I’m not up to the task yet. I would however like to give up coffee, and was wondering if you had any
Ugh I hate facing a day without having much sleep! But that good attitude always carries us through doesn’t it! 😉
That looks like a terrific book. Keep up the great video updates!
Good morning! ;)
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