Diet Tips for 6 Pack Abs

a few tips that i recommend for dieting to lose fat The incredible results of eating the right combinations of the right foods (that actually burn fat!) at the right times throughout the day! You can do it to: weight loss weightloss burn fat lose fast easy rapid quick diet diets dieting safe effective watchers jenny craig tom venuto secret new lazy best tip tips trick tricks food foods Tags: weight loss, lose weight, weightloss, burn fat, fast, easy, rapid weight loss, quick, diet, diets, dieting, hollywood, safe, effective, all natural, weight watchers, jenny craig, tom venuto, secret, secrets, new, lazy, best, tip, tips, trick, tricks, food, foods, calories
Video Rating: 4 / 5






48 responses to “Diet Tips for 6 Pack Abs”

  1. LuckynumberSlevin11 Avatar

    Only in America do people think Subway is healthy… tut tut

  2. LosingWeightSolution Avatar

    CLICK to get the DIET solution

  3. craigmthompson Avatar

    was really hard to hear your such a soft speaker,B.P.A…..

  4. GrandMasterJuan Avatar

    no cheese =[

  5. damira113 Avatar

    Hey! Have you heard about – fast abs magic (just google it)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my buddy got really defined 6 pack abs and lost a truck load of of weight with it. 

  6. NiGELcat123 Avatar

    No way in he’ll I’m giving up my meat ball sub!

  7. mrconejoman Avatar

    I need a job. Subway is the greatest thing on earth

  8. alexisaragones Avatar

    I Just dont understand how you can do tip number 1 but still follow tip number 2.

  9. DjSkyfaze Avatar

    great vid man i got a lot out of this

  10. wilfrin07 Avatar

    so basically eat clean, make an eating schedule workout abs 3 to 4 days a week and das it?

  11. leonardod1995 Avatar

    you at work dude?

  12. jonnyxboxmaster300 Avatar

    Wow that was actually a really good video. When you said make food a necessity not a hobby that actually really made me think and look at food differently. I’m a strong believer in plain and simple speaking and I think you did that when explaining the diet. Thumbs up man-I’m now a subscriber

  13. BradPittAbs Avatar

    @astarothification i used to have 2 cups of coffee in the morning with milk and like 3 scoops of sugar, but before i started this workout, i slowly cut out the sugar, then the milk, and now i just drink one cup of black coffee every morning

  14. astarothification Avatar

    what about coffee with sugar and milk? Do I have to give that up?

  15. realladygagaland Avatar

    No cheese on my subway sandwich?! Can sum1 shoot this guy?!?! Lol kidding. Btw, is that a mustache or the shadow? -_-


    @BradPittAbs Actually the most fattening aspect of that meal is more likely to be the excess carbs from the whole wheat bread. Your fear of generic fat content is unfounded.


    #1 is just stupid. You can easily love food and eat properly. In fact, you should make food a hobby if you want to live healthy and maintain a great physique.

  18. cuyperscharles Avatar

    shit i like to eat food!

  19. chrismarcinko Avatar

    I lay off the mayo at subway but I like pepper jack on my turkey sub!!!

  20. Seal420123 Avatar

    thanks for the video tips. keep up the videos. i need all the inspiration i can get. this is not easy to do. right now i am trying to control my portions which i believe is the first step. thanks.

  21. xerxethegreat Avatar

    1 gram of fat = 9 cals as opposed to 1 gram of protein= 4 cals…. NOT ONLY that but protein has higher satiety level (makes you feel full) Yes you have to count calories… If you want sexy ladies to count your abs.. Holla

  22. SmileyNerd101 Avatar

    I have to go to school every morning and can’t really eat small meals. Is one piece of toast with Netulla and skin milk be fine?

  23. qwertyuiopdan1 Avatar

    I have so much respect for this guy.

  24. TheMetodogabriel Avatar

    Excellent information thanks

  25. easymoneymaker82 Avatar

    Hey there! Have you heard about – fast abs magic (do a google search)? Ive heard some decent things about it and my mate got really defined 6 pack abs and lost tons of weight with it.

  26. emery7315 Avatar

    @getupgrill87 Yeah I agree with you there! I also used the same plans an it did well from me. In just few weeks I feel the improvements, If I;m not mistaken the site should be WeightLossAction. info

  27. gacutcut24111991 Avatar

    Oh hello! Have you thought about cleverous 402 diet (google it)? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my sister lost a ton of weight with it.

  28. richmaldita Avatar

    Oh hey! Have you ever tried intellectus 424 diet (google it)? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my cousin lost a lot of weight with it.

  29. evilsanjiv21000 Avatar

    Holla! Have you considered cleverous 402 diet (do a google search)? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my cooworker lost tons of weight with it.

  30. weepaul666 Avatar

    I didnt learn anything from this…

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  39. cfatloss Avatar

    Great Content. Thought I would just try and see if I can help anyone even further here. Water is a great little weight loss trick.
    Most of the time when we are hungry, we are actually dehydrated. So drinking water when we are hungry usually takes away the hunger pangs 😉

  40. goanyways Avatar

    Whoever wants to lose weight: Eat vegetables like crazy! as much as you want. And fruit. But one thing, eat only thing at a time and wait and let it digest for atleast 45 mins before eating something else. this lets the body digest easily and get all the nutrients where they belong without complication.

  41. sirtinycreep Avatar

    You have got to want those pants to fit, to look good, and throw out the burgers, the chips and the cream pies!

  42. salevalley Avatar

    good tips

  43. crusader1614 Avatar

    eat what ever you want just walk 10k steps a day and youl be fine or atleast a mile every morning before you eat

  44. onyxone144 Avatar

    Hey guys, he’s got some very valid points. I’ve gone through quite a few health challanges, sorry I meant me and my family. Strokes, obesity and countless others starting at the age of 39, and now having been on the recovery track for 2 1/2 years I’ve stumbled acrossed this vid. He’s telling the right things, Oreceo, you have it correct too. I’m very excited about my personal progress,and I can only hope that the rest of you find that using commence works w/ a balanced diet.

  45. kerkforlife Avatar

    Good . But I lost over 30 lb in one month using weight loss plan from LSWEIGHT(.)INFO

    ur doing great. keep it up

  46. roseattri Avatar

    I totally agree ,,,,,i tried many things but i dont have motive why i am loosing weight , but now i atleast have motive to loose weight..he is right

  47. sushicatny Avatar

    I totally agree with this video. I like the part about having to be very aware of what your doing. You can’t go on autopilot, which so many of us do. Currently i am on a fast I am being very aware of what I am doing. Good Luck all!

  48. TonyaTko Avatar

    This was very inspirational and uplifting, I may incorporate some of this into my fitness competion

    Thanks for this

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