Diets Dont Work – Thinking Thin Does

Marna Goldstein Thall, owner of shares that in order to get thin and get down to your healthy weight, you must learn how to think thin and feel thin. First, stop dieting. Marna gives quick weight loss help tips to get you to think thin and feel thin.
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25 responses to “Diets Dont Work – Thinking Thin Does”

  1. palashhns Avatar

    Holla! Have you considered – fast abs magic (do a google search)? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my brother in law got really defined Six pack abs and lost a truck load of of weight with it.

  2. vlatkostu Avatar

    hey hey! Have you tried – fast abs magic (should be on google have a look)? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate got detailed Six pack abs and lost a ton of weight with it.

  3. shexymama123 Avatar

    nodding my head throughout this whole video.

  4. IokuaPromos Avatar

    I have lost over 50lbs in about 4 months and I have done it by just tracking my calories. I eat what I want to eat, but just with balance. I may have some pizza, but I will also eat fish. I just watch my calories and fat intake and make sure everything is balanced.

  5. IokuaPromos Avatar

    I have lost over 50lbs in about 4 months and I have done it by just tracking my calories. I eat what I want to eat, but just with balance. I may have some pizza, but I will also eat fish. I just watch my calories and fat intake and make sure everything is balanced.

  6. mansoornazir99 Avatar

    omg! has anyone heard of the Acuspeed 24 Diet (google it)? I am told some extraordinary chatter about it and my work buddy got rid of a lot of fat using it.

  7. DrSNS Avatar

    These days i’m looking forward in making a time management tutorial videos and i was hoping if you share the same interset we can present it together on youtube… 🙂 see my featured video to know what i’m talking about :).. thanks 😉

  8. Flemi19 Avatar

    Really good video i work as a hypnotherapist and i really agree with what you say, keep it up


  9. TheHellobeautiful8 Avatar

    Thank yooou sooooooo much when I finished watching this I cried of happyness I fell so much better about myself you rock thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!

  10. Nerhegeb Avatar

    ok… but, whats the next? i feel like a thin person now. can i go out and eat some icecream? xD

  11. atoosas Avatar

    @dtonaz1979 I COMPLETELY agree with you. A month ago, something triggered in my mind and I lost six pounds in four months. I don’t know what it was. It wasn’t determination or discipline. I thought myself thin and lost weight. It was so strong. I don’t know what it was. And I haven’t been able to get it back so I’m gaining the weight back on 🙁

  12. nantigger Avatar

    Great….really compliments Geneens Roths ideas. I love that you already feel all you want from being thin right now…you can have joy, peace, or whatever you want right now.
    Keep doing these videos. Very helpful!

  13. gavernj2 Avatar

    You dont have to bite the doughnut to know its sweet. lol So leave her alone. Maybe she’s still on her own journey. Although, she should prolly wear a long-sleeved shirt lol.

  14. theskinyourin21 Avatar

    don’t friggen DIET, people. I’m in the process of losing weight right now and this time it is actually working for me- wanna know why and how? I cut my portions in HALF. I DO NOT GO BACK FOR SECONDS. I don’t count calories, but I do keep in mind a round-about range of calories that I take in daily and I just try to keep it to a minimum. I also work-out pretty much every day for as long as I f*cking feel like it. Make your own rules when you wanna lose weight. Don’t follow any one elses

  15. NoDropLS Avatar

    i started dieting at 250lbs and i dieted myself all the way to 415lbs.

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  18. ProfoundVirgin Avatar

    obviously didn’t work for her

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  20. NELLBONNIE8 Avatar

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  21. sexxxymexi Avatar

    I dont trust her, she’s not thin lol jk

  22. deroseg Avatar

    The ultimate reason when you diet (in a hurry for a specific event, or something) you end up really sick. I think we start listening to the diets and not to our hunger level or how you feel . We really need to get back to being in touch with our bodies, hunger level and feelings so we start eating consciously and start eating what our bodies need.

  23. amy1964ful Avatar

    for those who is thinking about losing weight go check out my blog it can be motivational

  24. Funnygophers9 Avatar

    This helped me a lot. Thanks

  25. girlytubegirl Avatar

    thank you

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