Healthy meals for students and other busy people: 6-pack abs and gain muscle with good nutrition Good nutrition is the secret to both losing fat and gaining muscle, in this video I show you how to eat 6 ine…





25 responses to “Healthy meals for students and other busy people: 6-pack abs and gain muscle with good nutrition”

  1. SassyButClassy404 Avatar

    Do you eat anything that’s not processed, frozen, artificial, or vitamin-deficient? This may be low-calorie and high-protein but it’s definitely not healthy. It’s definitely possible to eat natural, nutritious, fresh foods on the go.

  2. COSMIN3363 Avatar

    Have you tried “H6x Muscle Monster?” (Go Google it) It is a quick way for you to get ripped fast.

  3. GandelarCrom Avatar

    just curious, what do you do for your career scoobs?

  4. Michael Gross Avatar
    Michael Gross

    he’s got 2 jobs, he’ll make it back!

  5. Shave93 Avatar

    You put almost in every meal protein powder,students dont have money for buying protein powders every 2 weeks, can you use something else instead of it?

  6. SaGar ShArMa Avatar
    SaGar ShArMa

    Hiya, have you experienced Lean Body Blaster? (just google it) You will discover the crimes we commit against our bodies. With Lean Body Blaster, you will discover how to get rid of fat quickly.

  7. Andrew k Avatar
    Andrew k

    Scooby, thats a nice fish tank dude!

  8. Sulpine01 Avatar

    Hey Scooby, I’m in the Military and I find myself constantly at the whim of MRE’s. Obviously these meals are made to last in the field and they are mostly all processed. If you familiar with MRE’s, do you know which ones to look out for for the best quality of meals (and if you say the veggie omelet I will scream at you through the internet lol). I eat them sparingly, but they pack a buttload of calories and it would be neat to know what to avoid.

  9. dipendra shah Avatar
    dipendra shah

    Hi, have you experienced Atomic Max Muscle? (check on Google) You will learn about the crimes we commit against our bodies. With Atomic Max Muscle, you will discover how to bulk up fast.

  10. simon jiang Avatar
    simon jiang

    that many scoops of protein per day gets expensive doesnt it?

  11. David zepeta Avatar
    David zepeta

    mi piace il video, ma io voglio sapere quanti ani hai amico??

  12. paintur68 Avatar

    I live in south Texas, and it gets crazy hot here. I kept a can of corn in the trunk once. It started popping in the can and exploded. The Taliban is apparently using my deadly can of corn discovery to detonate pop corn i e ds all over the world. Sorry.

  13. StonedGinger23 Avatar

    the truth is u dont own a shirt haha

  14. Tommyweee Avatar

    Do you always run your errands shirtless scooby!?:P, Just found your videos a few days ago and i love them!

  15. Andréas Remis Avatar
    Andréas Remis

    Soybeans?! Really? and raisins? ummm…this doesn’t seem healthy at all. Also protein should come from the diet, not powder.

  16. trippytbta Avatar

    Ahhhh stop ur whining hanz!  Good video brah

  17. Mindaugas7100 Avatar

    No doubt, 1-2scoops should be max.

  18. Hunter Marlowe Avatar
    Hunter Marlowe

    The protein powder is necessary if he isn’t eating a source of lean meat or protein every meal. For someone who works out, they need a little less than their weight in grams of protein. Each scoop has around 30 grams. 30 x 6 is 180 plus a little protein here and their from the meals’ main dish.

  19. haridarshana Avatar

    Meals can taste great and still be healthy and easy to prepare. You don’t need to eat bland food like a brainless bodybuilder.

  20. haridarshana Avatar

    You don’t have to eat 6 meals a day. Recent research has debunked this style of eating. Many people have done Intermittent fasting and made great gains. That shows how overblown this obsession of eating every few hours is.

  21. BlackTarAllStar Avatar

    I guess my comment was more directed towards all the people in the comments obsessing about the Protein Powder element of the nutrition.

  22. mastervaderm16 Avatar

    In everything

  23. SerbianMachoMan Avatar

    too much protein powder…

  24. DukesOfFTP Avatar

    Any1 notice it was daylight at 9:30pm? Jks i know it was just a demo but made me laugh!

  25. ThePrepperJournal Avatar

    Im in shape, round is a but good videos btw.

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