How Diets Work

Please subscribe to my channel and my vlog channel! I make new videos here every Wednesday and make vlogs during my majestical daily life. JennaMarbles Jenna…






25 responses to “How Diets Work”

  1. bailey bow Avatar
    bailey bow

    Hey I’m eating nutella too. But it taste good. Plus I have a 4 pack

  2. Kurstin Spangler Avatar
    Kurstin Spangler

    story of my life

  3. Aquarius149 Avatar

    watching this while eating nutella. I’m hate myself.

  4. tenchy88 Avatar

    “FRENCH FRIES!” lmao 

  5. omf1122 Avatar

    donde es la estacion del tren… yes

  6. MsArtsygirl22 Avatar

    @maxpowd3r if you don’t like her, why are you watching her videos?

  7. BrettCasella Avatar

    I like turtles

  8. Roughtonoqz537 Avatar

    Its still surprise me, just how many people don’t know about Proladox Diet Plan, although many people get good results with it. Thanks to my cousin who told me about Proladox Diet Plan, I have lost lots of weight with it without starving myself.

  9. steven9245 Avatar

    Heyy Guyz !!
    We Are “Desi Paradise” ..New Group from a small Town !
    we are 3 Artists and we always Work TOGETHER ! 🙂
    we have posted our new song(english/french Mixed) on youtube..Can u Guyz plz Take 5mins of your life N type “Desi Paradise Give me five” on youtube .. N listen to our song n Comment if u liked it or Not 🙂
    it will Make a HUGE difference to us 🙂 Thaaanks 🙂

  10. SRVMOE Avatar

    Hey its Jenna Rose the girl that sang My Jeans on you tube
    Ive grown up and have a new music vid with me and music legend Dionne Warwick called Walk on By on you tube, please take a listen, comment and sub
    Also please check out my new cover Jenna Rose STAY on you tube,I sub back and please follow me on twitter jennarose3xo
    love ya
    jenna rose

  11. maxpowd3r Avatar

    Oh my god, you’re so funny. Except for the part that your not.

  12. annybebo Avatar

    Heyy Guyz !

    I’m Ahsani John..16 Years old singer From Brussels

    I work Hard Everyday To make My songs Better n Better..

    I work with My crew known as “Desi Paradise” (French/English Mixed)

    Can U guyz Plz Take 5mins Of your life N..Type “DESI PARADISE – GIVE ME FIVE” On youtube ..N Comment if you like our Song Or Not ..

    It Will make a HUGE difference To Us !

    Thaaaaaanks 🙂

  13. Chazza Callaghan Avatar
    Chazza Callaghan


  14. MonsterMash1812 Avatar

    How my diet works

  15. Evangelista Nick Avatar
    Evangelista Nick

    OMG, how come I haven’t heard about your videos yet? You are hilarious! 😀

  16. Aurochhunter Avatar

    Want to know how to make a diet work? Get a very demanding job that requires a lot of physical labour. Trust me: you’ll need a lot of sugar just to get your energy back.

  17. Suziana Seda Avatar
    Suziana Seda

    I think I tried to sell u magazines before lol

  18. eatyourpantsnow Avatar

    Don’t move and maybe they won’t see the cheese burger

  19. keltum56 Avatar

    Heyy Guyz !
    I’m Ahsani John..16 Years old singer From Brussels
    I work Hard Everyday To make My songs Better n Better..
    I work with My crew known as “Desi Paradise” (French/English Mixed)
    Can U guyz Plz Take 5mins Of your life N..Type “DESI PARADISE – GIVE ME FIVE” On youtube ..N Comment if you like our Song Or Not ..
    It Will make a HUGE difference To Us !
    Thaaaaaanks 🙂

  20. Aaliyah Dominko Avatar
    Aaliyah Dominko

    Giraffes are AWSOME! Jenna, I love your videos. They make me laugh every day.

  21. Lorraineand DestinyMusic Avatar
    Lorraineand DestinyMusic

    I love Giraffes

  22. destro513 Avatar

    Mac and Cheese sucks.

  23. keoslove Avatar

    Who cares about what you say… Im going to get a big mac

  24. mphello Avatar

    Also, we’d be able to genetically engineer humans in laboratories by now so we all could be hot sexy porn stars with perfect bodies, rather than doing it the stupid slow way of growing fetuses inside women’s bellies.

  25. mphello Avatar

    You may love food, but food may not love you.
    Billions of animals needlessly are bred, confined, and tortured to death in factory farms just because stupid idiots won’t go vegan.
    If this planet were full of science-minded atheists instead of shitbrained religionists, nationalist extremists, and bankster coddling morons, we’d have a sustainable green-energy society built on biosynthesized cultured meat from a lab by now.

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