* http More FREE JUICER RECIPES to help w/ your RAW FOOD WEIGHT LOSS! 😉 POMEGRANATE JUICE with Orange Juice & Watermelon Fruit Juice * I ngredients * — 1 Seedless Watermelon (personal sized) Leave the peel ON, if organic! — 2 Oranges — 1 Pomegranate (seeds from) * P reparation * — 1) To seed the pomegranate, first score it with a knife & break it open. Next, separate the seeds (which are really seed casings called “arils”) from the peel & pulp membranes. Hint: if you do this in a bowl of water, then the seeds will sink, while the pulp will float! — 2) Slice the watermelon into large chunks that will still be able to fit through your juicer (leaving the peel ON if organic!), and slice the peel off of the oranges, but do leave a good amount of pith behind as there are a lot of nutrients in it. — 3) Then, simply run all 3 of these ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you. — 4) Add ice if desired, and enjoy! * I nspiration * — Krista & I are dedicating this video to crosspecans, aka Susan in Texas! She needed help in explaining to her husband exactly WHY juicing is so important & as this is a good topic for ALL of us, then what could be better than making another vid? 😉 — As we just made a fruit juice, let’s start w those benefits: First, kids AND adults are going to love at least 1 kind of fruit juice! Fruit juices energize our cells & flush cellular wastes away, loosening our … Fitness with Tami Lindahl, lose weight and tone your legs just in time for summer. Fitnees tips in Santa Clarita, thinner thighs for shorts weather, work out and have fun
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