Sexy Loser: Fitness & Diet

Any questions? Ask me on my FACEBOOK! How Many Calories do you Need to Gain Muscl…






50 responses to “Sexy Loser: Fitness & Diet”

  1. muffins77393 Avatar

    Lol machelle phan

  2. RedBerries71 Avatar

    You are so funny!lol!love it

  3. Pinkladybug5621 Avatar

    Taste like dirt and ass lmao

  4. authfaceyo Avatar

    i wish i had this kind of motivation

  5. oneofakindbeauty Avatar

    Hey i am nicole and i know these get annoying but im a 15 year old aspiring beauty guru. Please take one minute out of your day to look at my videos. I just recently just uploaded an outfit of the week. come check it out, you won’t regret it! xo, take care

  6. iluvSchleeping Avatar

    why do you think you have the right to comment on under what circumstances you would have sex with her? she is a person, her body is not something you are entitled to objectify. fucking misogynist.

  7. windchimes1998 Avatar

    Is that actually Michelle Phan? I’ve gone a year thinking that was Jarmaine!? …… -_-

  8. windchimes1998 Avatar

    Just hang in there.

  9. Firas Dufay Avatar
    Firas Dufay

    Guys, burn fat doesn’t have to be hard (I used to think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a diet plan known as “Mobotandiet Secrets” (do a search on google). Seriously, that course has transformed my entire life. I probably should not even be talking about it cause I do not want a bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am just in a good mood today so I’ll share the wealth haha.

  10. mabel devora Avatar
    mabel devora

    I’m a newbie and I am wondering if I could have some love from all of you and watch my videos plz and subscribe to my channel

  11. mabel devora Avatar
    mabel devora

    Hey guys check my videos out

  12. TheMickeyMatt Avatar

    Someone is bound to say a boob job comment soon -____-

  13. hjenni996 Avatar

    I have no confidence to jog or go to the gym. Because all the skinny people look at you in there?

  14. brunetteforsure Avatar

    be generous with alcohol? xp lol wine is not that good for you. Im from spain the land of the wine LOL and yes people say it’s good.. bu in reality it’s meh its not THAT good for your health.

  15. 83prettyblack Avatar

    you have me rolling. lol

  16. MrNightArtist Avatar

    anybody know ?

  17. MrNightArtist Avatar

    Plissss say what’s the 6:12 song ??????????????

  18. Du Khan Avatar
    Du Khan

    greeting from Brazil :D:D


  19. MrNightArtist Avatar

    what’s the song since 6:16 ????????

  20. jbiebs1237 Avatar

    I only hate to run because I have to go to my next classes with cute boys I hate PE and I hate to be sweaty and gross for the rest of the day

  21. Angella Tompson Avatar
    Angella Tompson

    Acai Ultima – 100% Pure Acai Extract!  bit(dot)ly/WJVncy

  22. Beh Jun Avatar
    Beh Jun


  23. rajesh bharati Avatar
    rajesh bharati

    Hey there, have you heard about Trim Fat Maximizer? (check on google) You will discover the crimes we commit against ourselves. With Trim Fat Maximizer, you will discover how to burn up fat quickly.

  24. Josip Vuka Avatar
    Josip Vuka

    If you desire to melt fat, you should do a google search Fat Blast Blueprint. That can help you get the body you deserve.

  25. christinasilang Avatar

    Ate keep the good work up!:)
    and all your videos r great

  26. vicsnatural Avatar

    Fiend. God willing I only weight myself once per year at doctor’s office visit.
    I actually had to think about it. I have never owned a bathroom scale.
    Peace, Vic

  27. ikhosa123 Avatar

    Thank you.
    what type of bathroom scale would you recommend for checking weight?

  28. vicsnatural Avatar

    I would say this applies to everyone. Peace, Vic

  29. vicsnatural Avatar

    You have to forget about time man.
    Take it easy, relax and have patience. Just keep learning. Take time. Peace, Vic

  30. sealselite14 Avatar

    Screw Mike Chang and Six Pack Shortcuts. This is 100x better. You rock Vic. Thanks!

  31. 123shadowmilk123 Avatar

    Vic, for the exercise part – would that be on current exercise level or would it be for the exercise level your going to be training at if you’re only just starting to workout. Cheers – Great videos btw, just stumbled upon them today!

  32. 123shadowmilk123 Avatar

    Vic, for the exercise part – would that be on current exercise level or would it be for the exercise level your going to be training at if you’re only just starting to workout. Cheers

  33. tareq05 Avatar

    hi Vic, am 6’4″ 286 lbs,how much time it takes for me to lose weight and to gain muscle mass ….i just started a mounth ago training….plz help me

  34. TheLastBrony Avatar

    I’ve been looking for this EXACT thing forever. I began to give up hope that everything was in one spot in an easy enough terminology that I can understand it. I don’t understand much of the jargon out there but I understand this!

    You should hold a little pride Vic (may I call you that?) It’s not everyday you can go to bed knowing you are helping make people healthier and happier. Your videos have helped do that for me, so I think that’s some pride and respect you deserve to hold; no shame.

  35. vicsnatural Avatar

    Just sent you a link in a message Peace, Vic

  36. soarlike aneagle Avatar
    soarlike aneagle

    thank’s for this solution I’m gonna be able to work out my calorie requirement now thank’s again ….

  37. vicsnatural Avatar

    Sure. It’s all here. If you know what you need to maintain, then, anything less would contribute to losing. Peace, Vic

  38. pastorsharpie Avatar

    Thanks Vic!! Very informational!!  You never talked about losing weight though…

  39. King Tony Avatar
    King Tony


  40. vicsnatural Avatar

    Sure friend. The formula suggests calories to maintain, then, it would follow that less calories you would lose =, more calories you would gain if all variables remained constant. Peace, Vic

  41. leviterande Avatar


  42. Raymundo Franceries Galo Avatar
    Raymundo Franceries Galo

    I didnt found you in the powhow page

  43. King Tony Avatar
    King Tony

    Any tips on gaining weight?

  44. Brosoro Brosoro Avatar
    Brosoro Brosoro

    he reminds me of daniel craig.

  45. vicsnatural Avatar

    Peace ,Vic

  46. Corey Solvberg Avatar
    Corey Solvberg

    your a legend vic!!

  47. Adrian Ramirez Avatar
    Adrian Ramirez

    this is pretty good. thanks man

  48. vicsnatural Avatar

    By the way, we can train via powhow, if interested send me an email

  49. roastya2 Avatar

    one of the best videos ive seen on this subject great job! 🙂 Subscribed!

  50. bodhiguy Avatar

    Your body is truly a work of art Vic.

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