Treadmill Interval Training: 5 Step Fat Loss Workout (Intense)

Want to get thin faster? Perfect your treadmill interval training technique with these 5 steps. Hi my name is Lauren Kern, I’m a personal trainer, certified sports and conditioning specialist, and a figure competitor with the NPC. Hi my name is Aaron Ribant, I’m a personal trainer certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. We’re here at Core Fitness in Hermosa Beach, California. Today we’re going to talk to you about treadmills. One of the best programs on the treadmill for fat loss is the speed interval program. It’s a program that takes you from a jog speed to a full-out run speed. It’s a very, very difficult program, but it’s probably the best program available to you for fat loss. You want to step onto the device slowly, making sure that it’s off first. You want to hold onto the hand rails. #1. WARMUP: WALK 2 MINUTES You want to begin at a nice easy speed. I usually like hitting quick start, and slowly increasing the speed until I feel like I’m at a comfortable brisk walking pace. I usually keep it there for 2-3 minutes before increasing to a jog that I feel I can maintain for a long period of time. #2. WARMUP: JOG 2 MINUTES You always want to make sure that you’re looking straight ahead on the treadmill, and I recommend that you’re not reading any magazines while jogging. Ok — now that you’ve reached your jog speed, go down to the menu on the treadmill. We’re going to hit the “speed interval” button. It’s going to ask you for a little bit of input here
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27 responses to “Treadmill Interval Training: 5 Step Fat Loss Workout (Intense)”

  1. sita thapa Avatar
    sita thapa

    Guys! (: Did you ever tried the Fat Combust Factors (google it)? Ive heard some fantastic stuff about it and my friend burned alot of unwanted fats.

  2. lancermohin0 Avatar

    Hi there, have you heard about “Musclegion” (just search on Google for it …)? There you can watch a useful free video featuring the right way to build noticeable muscle fast. This made it possible for James overcome his bodybuilding plateau and consequently build up toned muscle mass without fat very quickly. It might work for you too.

  3. fahudmah Avatar

    Hey there, have you tried out “Belly Fat MeltMax” (search on Google for it)? On their website you can watch a practical free video. This made it possible for Rebecca to get rid of her belly fat. I hope it will help you as well…

  4. Antwone1517 Avatar

    Dat Ass!!

  5. LondonKuzz Avatar

    Anyone that is on a treadmill with a magazine should leave it for somebody who’s actually going to use the treadmill. If you can hold a magazine in your hands when on the treadmill you’re not doing what you’re suppose to do. The only thing you’re doing is telling yourself lies about how much you workout and all that fat that you want gone will stay right where it is, between who you are and who you want to be

  6. topgunitsme Avatar

    if girls like here come to my gym….ill stay there all day!

  7. Laddu462 Avatar

    I’m down 28 pounds in the last 3 weeks! Eating correctly is the key to success. No one know more about weight loss than Julie Olson, and she’s got a new book out that explains it all. I’d take a look now before she starts charging –>

  8. smuzzal Avatar

    Fat Combust Factors (do search on google) keep on appearing here on Youtube and I thought they were scams. Right after my dad use it, and lost alot of unwanted fats, Im convinced. Go ahead, look for Fat Combust Factors on google…

  9. Robin Bajracharya Avatar
    Robin Bajracharya

    Hey, have you seen this plan called the Fat Blast Lifestyle? (google it). My father says it helps people lose weight. Thoughts?

  10. Hossainut Avatar

    Hihi, have you considered this thing called the Fat Blast Lifestyle? (look for it on google). My dad says it helps people get thinner. Thoughts?

  11. saiduzzamanful1 Avatar

    Oh hi! Have you heard about the Fat Combust Factor (do search on google)? Ive hear some amazing things about it and my bro burned alot of unwanted fats(:

  12. cooldean8900 Avatar

    Oh hello! Have you tried the Fat Blast Furnace (just google it)? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my mate shed a lot of disgusting fat.

  13. jynxxmartin Avatar

    me, too!!! And damn it, I’m a girl!!! lol

  14. BlancheBayless1267 Avatar

    It still surprise me, how lot of people don’t know about Kinovelax Diet Plan (do a google search), although lots of people get great result with it. Thanks to my friend who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I have lost a lot of weight by using it without starving myself.

  15. DonaldRobertson9361 Avatar

    Its still surprises me, how many people have no idea about Kinovelax Diet Plan (search on google), despite the fact that lots of people get good results because of it. Thanks to my sister who told me about Kinovelax Diet Plan, I’ve lost a lot of weight with it without starving myself.

  16. zeshybadboy Avatar

    ok mate thanks

  17. b0ilhawk Avatar

    haha no. thats exactly what im not saying. a little weight is ok. but if you start going too big too early you might not grow properly and you dont want to stay 5’5 forever 🙂
    lots of push ups, pull ups, body weight squats etc, use your own body weight with high intensity fat burning routines. like i said, concentrate on the cardio / fat burning until you’re older.

  18. zeshybadboy Avatar

    Okay man thanks so your saying I should still keep up with the weight training cos alot of people have said to me to stop and that it stops you growing and stuff so do you think I should continue or stop?

  19. b0ilhawk Avatar

    yep. they are, they work differents part of the leg, you want an all round awesome physique, not one section better than another, the same goes for your limbs. no point have amazing guns if you dont have the tri’s to back them up 🙂
    you’re only 13. any exercise at this point is good. just get your cardio level up and your fat % down and in a few years you can start to concentrate more on what you want. you’re about to have a growth spurt so anything can happen 😀

  20. zeshybadboy Avatar

    Mate one last question please are leg extensions any good? I just realized I can’t do leg press cos they haven’t got that machine so are leg extensions any good?

  21. b0ilhawk Avatar

    good man. and you’re welcome. hope it helps.

  22. zeshybadboy Avatar

    Okay mate I really appreciate the help today I burnt 300 calories doing this so ill be looking to do 450 calories soon and when I hit the gym ill do squats and leg presses and other leg exercises thanks man I really appreciate it!

  23. b0ilhawk Avatar

    i would also say put a lot of effort into training your legs, your legs containt the biggest muscles you have so if you beast those you’ll burn more calories. plus every lb of muscle you make your body burns 50 calories a day more just at rest. legs are easy to forget to train, but also easy to get in better shape so plenty of squats, leg presses etc for you too.

  24. b0ilhawk Avatar

    look at the comments below. i had to reply to my own comments to squeeze in what i wanted to say.
    with the extra info you’ve now given i would recommend you try and burn at least twice that amount if you want to start shifting the belly. stomach fat is the last and hardest fat to remove so you need to put the effort in im afraid. its not easy but its worth it when you get there.

  25. zeshybadboy Avatar

    LOL I’ve been called a tank before but playing rugby that is, I meant to write some muscle and some fat like my upper body like chest/biceps/triceps/traps are in good shape but my stomach has some fat which I would like to get rid off? So I wondered if 220 calories a day is enough to burn doing this kind off program? and also by mostly muscle I meant upper body muscle and stomach little fat so I thought it would be mostly muscle? Sorry for confusing you.

  26. FreshFoodMovement Avatar

    It is all about making better choices. Everything adds up.

  27. Eva Rappillus Avatar
    Eva Rappillus

    You’re right. Paying attention to food labels can reduce pounds over a year’s time. Thanks.

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